
Preventative & Wellness
Your pet can benefit greatly from regular wellness examinations or checkups. Whether your pet is a youngster, a “senior citizen,” or any age in between, wellness examinations provide an excellent opportunity for us to conduct a thorough physical examination and develop a health profile for your pet. This information will help us identify medical problems and any other issues that can affect your pet’s health and quality of life.
Vaccines help pets live longer, healthier lives. Protecting your pet is our primary goal, so developing an appropriate vaccine schedule for your pet is important to us.
Call us today to set up an appointment to discuss your pets vaccination needs. Our doctors and staff are well-educated about veterinary vaccines, and our goal is to give you the best advice for keeping your pet healthy. Let us develop a vaccination schedule and ongoing booster routine that accounts for your pet’s lifestyle, overall health, risk for exposure to infectious disease, and other factors.
Dental Care
Does your best friend have bad breath? Despite what many pet owners may believe, dog breath is not just a nuisance. It’s a sign of an unhealthy mouth.
Let us examine your pet’s teeth and gums to help determine if there are any dental issues you should know about. After a visual examination, we may recommend a more detailed examination (which may require sedation), a dental cleaning, dental diagnostics and procedures or options for at-home dental care.

Spays, Neuters and other Surgeries
Saint Francis Animal Hospital provides a wide range of surgical services, including:
- Spays and neuter can prevent disease, reduce cancer, prevent accidental litters and control overpopulation
- Mass/growth removal
- Abdominal surgery
- Selective eye surgeries including some mass removal, eyelid procedures, enucleation, third eyelid (cherry eye) repair among others
- Selective orthopedic procedures including simple fracture repair, cruciate ligament repair (small pets), patellar luxation, FHO and mandibular fractures among others
If you have further questions or need some guidance on these procedures please do not hesistate to give us a call.
Additional Services
Diagnostic Ultrasound and Radiology
An ultrasound exam uses sound waves to produce images that show inside your pet’s body. It’s painless and noninvasive.
Saint Francis Animal Hospital has partnered with Oncura to provide our clients state-of-the-art ultrasound equipment. We use this painless and noninvasive method to examine internal organs and diagnose issues within the soft tissue organs. Our vets might perform an ultrasound for various reasons. Although it can be used for routine screening, an ultrasound is most commonly recommended after blood work or radiography indicate a possible problem. Your veterinarian will use the ultrasound to evaluate your pet’s organs, chest cavity or other body structures to obtain an accurate diagnosis.
We also provide full cardiac work ups.
Radiography is a valuable diagnostic tool in veterinary medicine. As we continually strive to offer the highest quality medicine and diagnostic testing, we are pleased to offer digital radiology services as a means of providing excellent care to our patients.
CO2 Surgical Laser and Cold Laser Therapy
Laser surgery has many benefits in veterinary medicine, including reduced pain, bleeding, and swelling, and a faster recovery time.
Cold laser therapy can help pets by reducing pain, inflammation, and swelling, and speeding up the healing process. It can be used to treat a variety of conditions, including injuries, arthritis, and skin lesions.
Other In-House Laboratory Services
Get in Touch
Contact Us
1308 Virgina Ave,
St. Cloud, FL 34769 -
- 407-891-1844
- 407-891-1855
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